Doing the Deportation Rag

The 12 million illegals here is twice the number of Jews generally considered to have been murdered by the Nazis. A major reason for the creation of the death camps was the enormous organizational difficulty of forcibly emigrating 6 million persons. (Cf., the documents and publications pertaining to the trial of Adolf Eichmann. E.g., Hannah Arendt, "Eichmann in Jerusalem.")

The Diary of Anne Frank is one story of Christians hiding Jews to prevent them from being rounded up. It is not the only such case.

The Underground Railway is what the informally organized opponents of slavery in America called the smuggling of slaves north to freedom prior to the Civil War.

Does no one who claims to be in favor of deporting the 12 million have any imagination at all?!! The failure of critical thinking exhibted by the pro-deporters is astounding! The disruption of American society that would result from attempting such a massive inhumane project would be enormous. Not only the economic depression that would result from their lost productivity and their no longer making purchases or paying taxes, (and the uncut lawns and uncared-for children and unbussed dishes) but the growth of an anti-government underground movement to protect the prospective deportees and a likely totalitarian (Nazi-like) response by the government to that opposition.

I think that a second Civil War would not be an unlikely result. Or a revolution.

(There’s not a chance that the US Congress and Senate will vote to deport 12 million people. The people arguing for that result, unless they are totally divorced from reality, must have some other purpose for arguing for it. Why are they wasting the government’s time with this pretense? If the illegal alien population is really a problem —and the evidence that it is is not universally persuasive-- then figure out a way to solve it, instead of play-acting like this! Sickos!)

. . . [Sorry, a bit of a rant there.]


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