Do thoughts have shapes?
Are they structured, with distinct forms?
Can we describe the forms of our thought?
Do we naturally describe them?
Or doesn’t the formal description of our thoughts come naturally to us?

Linear? Direct and straightforward? Sharp and to the point?
Or blunt, or vague, or ambiguous, multi-textured, or like a tapestry?
Or a web.
Back and forth, to and fro.
Circular? Meandering?
Treelike, branching?

Is to speak of thoughts having shape a metaphorical way of speaking?
Or is it a literal way of speaking?
Do thoughts literally take shape in our minds, in our speech and writing?
Take form?

Do thoughts take shape in discourse?
Are the forms of discourse the shapes of thought?

Is narrative a different shape of thought from argument?
Is description a different shape of thought from explanation?


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